Coming Soon!

New Pages!





New Articles!

One (or more) explaining, in detail, new site look and layout

One on Winston Churchill

Several on the United States military (the evils of the standing army), it’s nature and it’s history

One on Thorpe-Freeman Blog Contest

One on book I’m reading

One on books I recently purchased

Updated book list

And several others I’m not yet at liberty to divulge!

Finally, a Blogroll

One for sites

One for other sites

In the outside world!

New facebook page for blog (okay, that’s not outside of blogging)(?)

Miscellaneous projects and half-baked ideas to be organized or put back in oven

Subtitle change

I’ll leave FORMERLY “PROPAGATING THE PHILOSOPHY OF LIBERTY” up for a while, so people don’t get confused, then I’ll come up with something a little easier on the eyes. And the tongue.

Any thoughts?