Book List, Have Read

I am big on books. Unfortunately, I am also a slow reader. Most of my reading is in the subject of history. Biographies, popular works, textbooks, publications, etc. I have always been a history buff. Some of my friends even call me Hankipedia. But in the last few years (thank’s to Ron Paul’s educational efforts) I have branched off into areas such as economics and political theory. The books I have listed are the ones I have read on those subjects. I have been steadily growing and rounding my “library”, and am always looking for new acquisitions, but those I will list at some other time.


Frederic Bastiat’s The Law

I cannot recommend this book enough. You want the basics as simple as they come? Read this book. Its for all ages. The guy behind the book is quite an interesting person, too. The things he wrote, the people he knew, his era, his death.

Friedrich August von Hayek’s The Road To Serfdom

I am actually in the middle of this one. I admit it is slow going. I bought a copy for a good friend of mine. He made short order of it, and now acts like he is the one recommending it. He does have the advantage of reading it first, I suppose.

Barry Goldwater’s The Conscience Of A Conservative

Howard E. Kershner’s Dividing The Wealth

This book reminded me a little of Hazlitt’s book below. It was recommended by both Hazlitt and von Mises.

Henry Hazlitt’s Economics In One Lesson

As they say, an essential piece of economic literature for any layperson.


H.L. Richardson’s Confrontational Politics

This guy founded Gun Owners of America. He is a former California State Senator. His book is another one I highly recommend. It is not primarily a libertarian book, but it leans that way. It is basically about making a difference in politics beyond just voting every two or four years. Its about grassroots. Its about leverage. Its about matching your opponents’ tactics while maintaining the moral high ground. I lean voluntaryist (meaning at times I feel that the democratic process is a waste of time, unsavory, and/or morally suspect) these days, but some of the arguments in this book keep me within the voting fold.

Roger Root’s Montana’s Lost Cause

Another one that I am in the middle of. Basically the story of Montana’s “isolationism” before and during World War Two. It is also about States and their representatives (in the US House and Senate) standing up for their citizens against Washington.

Ron Paul’s

The Revolution

End The Fed

Liberty Defined

Thomas E. Woods, Jr.’s 

Who Killed The Constitution? (with Kevin R. C. Gutzman)

33 Questions About American History You’re Not Supposed To Ask




Andrew Napolitano’s It is Dangerous To Be Right When The Government Is Wrong

Thomas DiLorenzo’s Lincoln Unmasked

I have lent this to two of my friends one of whom is currently reading it.

Peter D. Schiff’s

How An Economy Grows And Why It Crashes (with Andrew J. Schiff)

A very simple book. Doctor Seuss meets the Schiff brothers. It is based on this book by their father, Anti-Tax Hero Irwin Schiff.

The Real Crash

I just started this one the about a week ago. I am engrossed. It deals with the coming fiscal/monetary cliff and possible ways to avoid it or lessen its impact.

Any thoughts?