Jury Duty Tomorrow Morning

My person has been commandeered for the purposes of deliberating on the facts and the law of a case, of which I have not been fully informed of all the details. I am fully informed of my rights/duty, however. I wrote a great piece over here that I hope you will check out. There are two polls for you to vote in as well. It would be nice if everyone voted before tomorrow morning, but it would still be cool if the votes still trickled in throughout the week. Even if I don’t base my decision on what the voters want, it would be nice to know what people think, even after the fact.

2 thoughts on “Jury Duty Tomorrow Morning

  1. Pingback: Jury Duty Tomorrow Morning « Propagating the Philosophy of Liberty

  2. Pingback: Jury Duty Tomorrow Morning « Propagating the Philosophy of Liberty

Any thoughts?