Part Two Of My Response To Ron Paul Hater Barry Germansky

Barry Germansky: “Now the problem [with Ron and Rand Paul’s Free Market Libertarianism] is that not all realms of human thought or the tangible world rely or require economics to be implemented or to be governed or navigated through.”

Henry Moore: If what I have said thus far has even a modicum of truth, then your statement that “not all realms of human thought or the tangible world rely or require economics to be implemented”, carries that much less clout. The considerable amount of weight that your case seems to shed makes it all the more readily taken apart if or when we address the above statement, specifically because (as in my previous arguments) I have shown your definition of economics to be murky and your lack of ability to separate it from other ‘realms of human thought’ to be colossal. Not that any libertarian I have ever encountered or consulted has ever made such an all-encompassing claim as you have portrayed them to have done. Close, but no cigar! Such a claim by you would definitely need to be backed up in order for me to address it on an even higher level. I would attribute your lack of understanding in the realm of economics, especially as far as what libertarians have ACTUALLY said about it, to your inability to detect certain subtleties and nuances in their statements and arguments that bear any resemblance to the statement you allege one or more of them to have made.

2 thoughts on “Part Two Of My Response To Ron Paul Hater Barry Germansky

  1. Pingback: Transcript Of What Ron Paul Hater Barry Germansky Said – Refuted « keimh3regpeh2umeg

  2. Pingback: Tea Party Heroes Ron And Rand Paul Make For A Bitter Brew; Seventh Response « Propagating the Philosophy of Liberty

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