

A couple months back there was this fad amongst Paullinators on twitter to hashtag Things Paul Supporters Don’t Say. I decided to jump aboard at that time and compose my own. Along the way I came across several good ones by other tweeps. I have been holding off from posting these to WordPress until a time when I was either out of other ideas or needed more time to work on other posts. Anyways, feel free to use these if you are a Paul Supporter on twitter.

These first several dozen are my own:

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Tread On Me

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #MiddleEast hates us for our #Freedoms

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: My #Vote doesn’t really count

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I’ll trade you some essential #Liberty if you give me a piece of your #Security. I deserve both.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: There are no #Lessons to be learned from #History

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #Freedom isn’t a fundamental #HumanRight

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: My #Government keeps me #Safe

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I kinda like #PolicingTheWorld

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #WTF?: What’s The #Fed?

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #Recession? What recession?

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I am not an informed #Voter

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Need some #Money quick and easy? Let me put you in touch with Ben #Bernanke.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: We should be dropping #Money out of a #Helicopter
– #MiltonFriedman, #BenBernanke

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #PursuitOfHappiness is doing what #Santorum tells you to do

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: There is a fundamental difference between #Taxation and #Theft

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Too much #Liberty leads to #Chaos, and #Unregulated #Plunder

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: That #Hayek guy sure got it wrong. I mean…#Serfdom? Who is he trying to #Fool?

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: We can #Tax & #Spend & #Borrow & #Beg & #Steal & #Inflate & #Lie & #Cheat & #Con our way to #Prosperity

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #Money actually does grow on trees

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I like #RonPaul, but his #ForeignPolicy…

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: There is a huge difference between the major #Parties on most #Issues
Re: #Republicrat #Democan

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! I need to pay more in #Taxes. I need to pay my #FairShare.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I’m #Undecided

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: We can #KickTheCanDownTheRoad for another decade or so

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: R3volution/ #Revolution? We don’t need one of those. We just need a few ‘sensible’ #Reforms.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: But I’m sure that those other three mean well Re: Rick #Santorum, #Mitt #Romney, #Newt #Gingrich

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: My favorite #President is Franklin Delano #Roosevelt / #FDR

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: My favorite #President is Lyndon Baines Johnson / #LBJ

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: My favorite #President is #Woodrow #Wilson

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: My favorite #President is Theodore #Roosevelt / #TR

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: My favorite #President is Abraham #Lincoln / #HonestAbe / #DishonestAbe

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Let’s #Rob from the #Poor in rich countries to #Give to the #Rich in poor countries

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #TSA just #TurnsMeOn! Those rough, grubby, big, #Masculine hands patting me up and down! Baby! That’s Hot!

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I have nothing to hide. Therefore my #FourthAmendment #Rights are meaningless.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #World is a #Safer place thanks to #Bush

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #World is a more #Tolerant and #Peaceful place thanks to #Obama

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Bomb Bomb #Bomb Bomb Bomb #Iran

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I guess I’ll just be casting my #Vote for the #LesserOfTwoEvils again

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #PATRIOTAct is how a #Patriot would #act

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Things aren’t so bad

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: We should each have our own #FEMA trailer

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #Party #Loyalty always trumps #Principle

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #CivilRights #Act of 1964 doesn’t #Violate the Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth #Amendments

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Black people that like #RonPaul aren’t ‘down with the struggle’ enough

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #Southern #Poverty #Law Center rocks!

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #Extremism in the #Defense of #Liberty is a #Vice

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The more #Government we have, the better (R.W.E.)

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #NationBuilding is fun, easy, #CostEffective, safe, righteous, just, and moral. It’s a worthwhile thing to do.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I hate #BigGovernment. But I love the #FederalReserve, #SocialSecurity, and the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #Moderation in the #Pursuit of #Justice is a #Virtue

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: We are not an #Empire

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #RonPaul is a fearmongering idiot. So was #Cicero in Ancient #Rome. And #Jeremiah in Ancient #Israel.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #Constitution was written for #Racists, by racists.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #Life, #Liberty, and the #PursuitOfHappiness are the #Oppressive terminology of a bygone generation

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #SeanHannity tells me who to #Vote for

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #Rush #Limbaugh tells me who to #Vote for

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #MarkLevin tells me who to #Vote for

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #BillOReilly tells me who to #Vote for

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #GlennBeck tells me who to #Vote for

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #MichaelSavage tells me who to #Vote for

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I am a #Neocon #WarMonger

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: If #RonPaul wins, #AlQaeda and #Iran will overrun the #MiddleEast and wipe #Israel off the map

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I hope #RonPaul uses the office of the #President to shove his personal #Agenda down our throats

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The sign of a true #Leader is his ability to #Compromise his #Principles to get things done

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: We need a #Majority to #Prevail. That #Keen, #Irate #Minority stuff is for suckers.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: #FreeMarkets only work properly if the #Government heavily #Regulates them

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: One #President I just can’t stand is Calvin #Coolidge / #SilentCal

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: One #President I just can’t stand is #GroverCleveland

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: One #President I just can’t stand is #ThomasJefferson

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I am not a #Terrorist. Therefore my #FourteenthAmendment #Rights are meaningless.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I am not a #Woman. Therefore my #ThirteenthAmendment rights are meaningless. Re: Women can’t be drafted.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: You can #Fool all #ThePeople all the time

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The message of #Liberty only appeals to sober #White #AngloSaxon #Protestant prudes & ninnies

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The message of #Liberty only appeals to #potheads, racists, conspiracy nuts, Palestinian expats, & subversives

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Whoever lays his hands on me to govern me is not a usurper nor a tyrant, and I declare him my friend (P.-J.P.)

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Yeah. #Republican #Deficits are okay because #Reagan defeated the #Soviet #Empire singlehandedly.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Well, if this #NDAA thing gets off the ground, I doubt they will put us in #Guantanamo or anything

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #Constitution is great, but come on, it’s a new era. Besides…it’s a living, breathing document.

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Give me #Servitude or give me #Death

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The #Constitution does not apply in times of #war as it does in times of #peace

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: We should pay $100 WHENEVER the #FederalGovernment abuses its #authority. Why just at #airports?

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: What is wrong with a permanent #stateofemergency? Its not like our #rights are endangered! RE: #EO #NDRP

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: You have nothing to fear under #MartialLaw because you are not a #terrorist. RE: #EO #NDRP, NDAA

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I am politically correct: ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████. See?

#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: Vote for #███████!

These next several are  retweets. I wish I could credit their authors, but I don’t have the patience to look through millions of tweets.

RT: “That’s nice you’re devoted to the Constitution and all, but are you equally devoted to Israel?? –#ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: @CBlackTX I need the government to protect me from myself. #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: Why don’t we just print enough money for everyone? #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: Birth control is a right that the govt should provide me, like food, water, shelter and healthcare. #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay if #DrPaul doesn’t get the GOP nomination I’ll hold my nose and vote for #Romney #Gingrich or #Santorum

RT: The president’s job is to police the world. #ThingsRonPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: All Muslims are terrorists #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: Executive orders are cool. #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: Delegates don’t matter. #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay what’s a delegate?

RT: #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: We’re satisfied with with the Status Quo

RT: #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: We’re not Apathetic, we just don’t care

RT: Guns, we don’t need no stinking guns #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: The Government can take care of it, that’s what we pay taxes for anyways.

RT: The Federal Reserve is awesome. #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: That @FoxNews is really honest, I’m glad they can be trusted because they’re “Fair and Balanced”.

RT: Liberty? Ehhh, who cares. Where’s my entitlements? #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay: I don’t mind paying taxes, because the Govt uses it wisely, and is looking out for our best interests.

RT: I trust Fox for all my news #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: Give me liberty or give me a handout. Whatever. #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay more “quantitative easing” please

RT: Who cares about support from the military? #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay

RT: #thingsronpaulsupportersDontsay got hired by #TSA today. Gonna vote myself Frothy! Shut up I have a badge. I’ve seen your kids naked

RT: #ThingsPaulSupportersDontSay Federal Agents arresting Raw Milk Farmers & terrorizing handicapped children & elderly at airports OK with me.