I Am A Ron Paul Supporter

I Am A Ron Paul Supporter.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I commend you if you decide to read any of my work. Above and to the right is my Articles tab.

My name is Henry Moore. I am a 21 year old Ron Paul supporter here in Yellowstone County, Montana and an adherent to the Austrian School of Economics. The purpose of this blog is the effective propagation of the aforementioned.

I have been chiefly influenced, thus far, by… Ron Paul’s The RevolutionEnd the FedLiberty Defined, Abortion and Liberty;

Rand Paul’s The Tea Party Goes to Washington (with Jack Hunter);

Thomas Woods’ 33 Questions About American HistoryNullificationMeltdownRollbackWho Killed the Constitution (with Kevin Gutzman);

Howard Kershner’s Dividing the Wealth;

Barry Goldwater’s Conscience of a Conservative;

Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson;

Frederic Bastiat’s The Law;

Thomas J. DiLorenzo’s Lincoln Unmasked;

I am currently perusing, with care, Friedrich von Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom.

On February 26th, my birthday, I signed the Petition to get Ron Paul on the Montana Republican Primary Ballot. I brought my sister along to do the same. While at the Coffee Bar for the Petition signing, I ran into an old friend I had not seen in more than a year. He returned from his second and last tour of duty in Iraq back in September. Like most young veterans who know what is going on, he likes Ron Paul. So when I mentioned the Petition-signing to him, he was happy to sign it as well.

Follow me on twitter: @KeimgMeg

Follow me on tumblr: *K’eim*h3reg’ *Peh2u *Meg’

Follow me on blogspot: *K’eim*h3reg’ *Peh2u *Meg’



New Ron Paul Article!

Need help convincing reasonable people that Ron Paul is the only candidate running that will Restore America Now?

Read and share the following articles, more of which are to come:

The Federal Reserve Will Preside Over The Coming Crisis Feb. 20

Ron Paul: The Big Picture Feb. 15

Secret Meetings At The Federal Reserve Feb. 10

Ron Paul Pro-Abortion? Feb. 8

Ron Paul’s Non-Interventionism Feb. 3

Ron Paul Does Not Blame America First Feb. 1

The Failed Drug War Jan. 31

Here is a small taste, though a personal anecdote, originally from February 1st, 2012:

I Am A Ron Paul Supporter

I am a Ron Paul supporter here in Yellowstone County, Montana and an adherent to the Austrian School of Economics. The purpose of this blog is the propagation of the aforementioned.

I have been chiefly influenced, thus far, by…

Ron Paul’s The RevolutionEnd the FedLiberty Defined;

Thomas Woods’ 33 Questions About American HistoryNullificationMeltdownRollbackWho Killed the Constitution (with Kevin Gutzman);

Howard Kershner’s Dividing the Wealth;

Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson;

Frederic Bastiat’s The Law;

Just started Friedrich von Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom and Thomas J. DiLorenzo’s Lincoln Unmasked



New Ron Paul Article!

Need help convincing reasonable people that Ron Paul is the only candidate running that will Restore America Now?

Read and share the following articles, more of which are to come:

Ron Paul: The Big Picture from February 15th

Secret Meetings At The Federal Reserve from February 10th

Ron Paul Pro-Abortion? from February 8th

Ron Paul’s Non-Interventionism from February 3rd

Ron Paul Does Not Blame America First from February 1st

The Failed Drug War from January 31st

Here is a small taste, though a personal anecdote, originally from February 1st, 2012:

I Am A Ron Paul Supporter

I am a Ron Paul supporter here in Yellowstone County, Montana and an adherent to the Austrian School of Economics. The purpose of this blog is the propagation of the aforementioned.

I have been chiefly influenced, thus far, by…

Ron Paul’s The RevolutionEnd the FedLiberty Defined;

Thomas Woods’ 33 Questions About American HistoryNullificationMeltdownRollbackWho Killed the Constitution (with Kevin Gutzman);

Howard Kershner’s Dividing the Wealth;

Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson;

Frederic Bastiat’s The Law;

Just started Friedrich von Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom and Thomas J. DiLorenzo’s Lincoln Unmasked



New Ron Paul Article!

Need help convincing reasonable people that Ron Paul is the only candidate running that will Restore America Now?

Read and share the following articles, more of which are to come:

Ron Paul: The Big Picture from February 15th

Secret Meetings At The Federal Reserve from February 10th

Ron Paul Pro-Abortion? from February 8th

Ron Paul’s Non-Interventionism from February 3rd

Ron Paul Does Not Blame America First from February 1st

The Failed Drug War from January 31st

Here is a small taste, though a personal anecdote, originally from February 1st, 2012:

I Am A Ron Paul Supporter

I am a Ron Paul supporter here in Yellowstone County, Montana and an adherent to the Austrian School of Economics. The purpose of this blog is the propagation of the aforementioned.

I have been chiefly influenced, thus far, by…

Ron Paul’s The RevolutionEnd the FedLiberty Defined;

Thomas Woods’ 33 Questions About American HistoryNullificationMeltdownRollbackWho Killed the Constitution (with Kevin Gutzman);

Howard Kershner’s Dividing the Wealth;

Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson;

Frederic Bastiat’s The Law;

Just started Friedrich von Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom and Thomas J. DiLorenzo’s Lincoln Unmasked


Need help convincing reasonable people that Ron Paul is the only candidate running that will Restore America Now?

Read and share the following articles, more of which are to come:

Secret Meetings At The Federal Reserve from February 10th

Ron Paul Pro-Abortion? from February 8th

Ron Paul’s Non-Interventionism from February 3rd

Ron Paul Does Not Blame America First from February 1st

The Failed Drug War from January 31st

Here is a small taste, though a personal anecdote, originally from February 1st, 2012:

I Am A Ron Paul Supporter

I am a Ron Paul supporter here in Yellowstone County, Montana and an adherent to the Austrian School of Economics. The purpose of this blog is the propagation of the aforementioned.

I have been chiefly influenced, thus far, by…

Ron Paul’s The RevolutionEnd the FedLiberty Defined;

Thomas Woods’ 33 Questions About American HistoryNullificationMeltdownRollbackWho Killed the Constitution (with Kevin Gutzman);

Howard Kershner’s Dividing the Wealth;

Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson;

Frederic Bastiat’s The Law;

Just started Friedrich von Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom



Need help convincing reasonable people that Ron Paul is the only candidate running that will Restore America Now?

Read and share the following articles, more of which are to come:

The Failed Drug War

Ron Paul Does Not Blame America First

Ron Paul’s Non-Interventionism

Ron Paul Pro-Abortion?

Here is a small taste, though a personal anecdote, originally from February 1st, 2012:

I Am A Ron Paul Supporter

I am a Ron Paul supporter here in Yellowstone County, Montana and an adherent to the Austrian School of Economics. The purpose of this blog is the propagation of the aforementioned.

I have been chiefly influenced, thus far, by…

Ron Paul’s The RevolutionEnd the FedLiberty Defined;

Thomas Woods’ 33 Questions About American HistoryNullificationMeltdownRollbackWho Killed the Constitution (with Kevin Gutzman);

Howard Kershner’s Dividing the Wealth;

Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson;

Frederic Bastiat’s The Law;

Just started Friedrich von Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom

As an interesting aside: February 1st is Ronald and Carol Paul’s 55th Anniversary. Coincidentally, it is also Montana Candidate for Governor Kenneth Miller’s 55th birthday. It just so happens I support both Ron Paul and Ken Miller.